Tippy Toes Miniature Goats
Before we add a goat
Prior to adding a goat to your family a few things need to be considered...
Do I have time for goats?
(Remember one goat is not a good idea they need a friend of their own kind)
Where will they sleep?
Are my fences right?
Do I want to show, breed or just want a lifelong companion?
Do I want a buck, a wether or a doe?
Have I registered for a Property Identification Code (PIC)?
Tippy Toes want our goats to be a happy, healthy new member of your family. We love it when we get prospective owners asking questions before they buy so they make sure their housing, paddocks and lifestyle is ready for a goat before they think of bringing one home. We are happy to go through any questions you may have about owning goats and what is needed to give your goat the best home it can have.